Happy 30th Birthday Linux! How do we know
Aug 25 is the 30th anniversary of the computer operating system that revolutionized almost every factory and industry and helped spread the open-source movement globally.First came the software kernel that made it possible to create early Linux partitions. Then came more new computing platforms from other software developers that encouraged the concept.
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30th-anniversary operating system Linux |
Today, there are hundreds of Linux distros (industry-wide nicknames) to choose from among the most popular and well-known Linux OS. These include many obscure Linux choices that impress enthusiastic users.
How did he advance the open-source movement?
Linux applications like Linux Destroy are available for free download. Home Linux users, as well as small business owners, businesses, and schools of all shapes and sizes, rely on both open source software and Linux.Open source was created as a market label in a strategy session organized by the developers of the Netscape web browser. This announcement was made on February 3, 1998, in Palo Alto, California. The open-source announcement came shortly after the company released its Netscape source code.
Making the application code equally accessible to users and competitors is a feature of the Open Source Movement. One of the first organizations to push for open source was the Open Source Initiative (OSI), founded in late February 1998 by Eric Raymond and Bruce Prince. Raymond served as the group's first president. Parents took over as vice president.
When we first Met in Microsoft
In 2009 I strayed from Microsoft Fold. I jumped off an Apple plane years ago. That's why I moved to Linux, that's why I've moved from Apple to Windows in recent years. It was the lure of something new and less expensive.
I tested a modern beta version of Windows 7 OS that was to be released in October. Many of my hardware sets in this release did not have any killer Windows apps to justify the cost and hassle of advancing Microsoft China. I found no reason to upgrade any of my computers to the latest Microsoft Windows product.
I did the math. I already have several PCs running Windows. Linux was free. If Linux works fine, all I needed to do was install the free Linux OS on multiple computers and complete the work while using the Linux desktop.
I tested Linux on a sick Windows PC in my home office. Then I jumped in and erased Windows from the hard drive. His Windows XP registry was very tangled and he refused to boot on the desktop.
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Since the decision to put Ubuntu Linux on the misbehavior box, I haven't looked back. These days, Ubuntu has come up with a shiny new installation CD for a company founded by South African mogul Mark Richard Shuttleworth. This makes Ubuntu an easy and friendly way to use the young Linux OS.
To jump
At this point, I had a dilemma with a Linux installation disk. If something went wrong or I got stumped using Linux, I wouldn't be without a computer. I can live with Windows. Buying a Mac replacement was not an option, and I didn't need to buy a new computer to use Linux.I took on a self-made challenge to see if I could keep my daily computing routine alive with a proprietary OS. It's not like I can run to my local Geek Squad shop.
Tech support is much better today. Some computer makers actually pre-install desktop and laptop computers with Linux. Linux Destro developers have support forums where users can post questions and get reliable answers.
Learning to use the Linux operating system was not difficult. I have loved tampering with amateur radio construction kits for many years, so I enjoyed the challenge of learning a new OS.
I was already working on replacing the parts inside the box and running the equipment with PC hardware. Through much trial and error - and a passion for experimentation - I devised a strategy to move all my peripherals to Linux. Printers, scanners, external drives, USB storage, and my audio and video gear storage contributed the most. Although some did not.
At this time, the hardware configuration for PCs running Linux was not automatically successful. Only a handful of manufacturers have bothered to provide Linux drivers for their products. This is a rare problem today. If a product works on Linux.
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