

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Khan Academy Comes To Pakistan Very Soon

Khan Academy came to Pakistan. Khan Academy is a world-renowned forum that provides free, high-quality, online educational materials. It is an American non-profit educational organization founded by Sal Khan in 2007 to create a set of online tools to help educate students.
Khan Academy Comes To Pakistan Very Soon

Sal is a former hedge fund analyst with degrees from MIT and Harvard. This organization is known for producing short lessons in the form of videos. About 100 million people worldwide use the platform each year. More than 10 million users worldwide are subscribing to Khan Academy.

Because Khan Academy has its own limited capacity, it collaborates with external foundations, private or public institutions, to acquire ownership to localize original English material in other languages. It has already been translated into 50 languages. The Carlos Slim Foundation of Mexico and the Tata Foundation of India are just a few examples of the foundations leading the initiative in their respective countries.

Distinctive Features of Khan Academy:

  1. Short and focused video content
  2. A friendly and sympathetic tone of instruction
  3. Ease of use of video tutorials and playback feature
  4. Strong focus on basic concept building.

The epidemic served as a catalyst for the launch of the Khan Academy Urdu Project in August 2020. With the expansion of lockdown, schools struggled to establish alternative systems for continuing education. At the same time, we saw a growing trend among mobile and internet users. As a result of recent technological advances, the universality of the Internet has promised unique learning opportunities for children who previously had little or no access to quality education.

Therefore, a vision was developed based on the dream of providing free, world-class quality education to all students of Pakistan. The idea was that if we could make Khan Academy videos available on YouTube in our national language, Urdu, then conceptual education would be just a click away. In this way, children living in remote areas of Pakistan who have access to the Internet can learn STEM subjects in Urdu. One can only imagine how fulfilling this learning experience would be for Pakistani students.

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Mukhi Gul is a critically acclaimed author whose latest claim to fame is her play 'Raqib Kaha' Team Leader. It has brought together a multi-faceted team of engineers, doctors, and graduates from Pakistan's leading higher education institutions as LUMS who are also experts in the arts. This is because video makers need an attractive voice and control that engages students in a relaxed and meaningful learning experience.

The videos need to be strictly linked to the copy of Khan Academy content and trademark instruction template (black screen). Since the instruction is in Urdu, care must be taken in language accuracy, cultural relevance, and caption writing in Urdu. Mr. Khalid Ahmed, an experienced artist, and director of the project, is a linguist who works hard to review every video transcript. Because he has an engineering degree from the University of California, he is very easy to understand and translate STEM material.

This month is a very important milestone for Khan Academy's Urdu project. They have announced a significant milestone in completing 1000+ videos in less than a year. This is an important milestone because the one who started the dream during the epidemic is now an admirable reality. This achievement also represents a step towards equal learning opportunities and culture, representing a picture of Pakistan that we all want to see.

By reviewing the content, one can see that great effort has been put into correcting each and every video. The tone of the video instructors makes you watch the video with an interesting curiosity but its style is relaxed, almost friendly as if a friend is teaching you something that they fully understand.

The length of the video is short (average 10 minutes) and a solid component of the learning area is then completed with examples and sketches. Let's consider a video of an Urdu lesson from Khan Academy which explains the concept of 'scaling the unit vector'. I deliberately did not use the introductory video for 'Vectors and Scalars' because it is always easier to understand concepts in introductory lessons.

The video begins with how to re-verify a unit vector. A step-by-step method is used to calculate the amplitude (magnitude being one) to re-verify that the vector is a unit vector. The video then moves on to scaling a vector and working on it. The video is about two and a half minutes long and describes an important concept of mathematics and physics (vectors and scalars) in a relaxed and interesting way. The playback feature can be used to rewind and pause at points of confusion. I linked to this video (raising a vector) on Khan Academy Urdu Channel which I reviewed.

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